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How to manage debt stress

First published on Kochie’s Business Builders

As lockdowns continue around the country, many Australians are suffering from financial hardship.

These money worries are placing significant stress on health and wellbeing, with a recent report by debt support charity, Way Forward, revealing that seven in ten Aussies worry about money ALL the time.

David Berry is CEO of Way Forward and joins me today to discuss mental health, debt stress and strategies to keep your finances on track.

Watch the full interview, How to manage debt stress, Kochie’s Business Builders, 1 October 2021

If you’d like to know more about how Way Forward can help you: 

Enquire here or call us on 1300 451 343

Use our free budget planner or repayment calculator.

Struggling to pay for the essentials such as food and rent and want to know more about your options? Our emergency funding page lists some of the available free emergency services and funding if you live in Australia and find yourself in financial difficulty.